Sunday, August 24, 2008

From Cresside Workshop

Tapestry woven by Jillian Brammer

Friday, August 1, 2008

Selling Yarns 2: Conference 2009

The website has been launched of the 2009 conference Selling Yarns

Selling Yarns 2: Innovation for sustainability is a conference that addresses contemporary Indigenous craft and design practice. It draws on the outcomes of the first Selling Yarns 2 conference held in Darwin in 2006 that looked specifically at contemporary Indigenous textile practice

The conference is supported by the Australian University Research School of Humanities, Australian University School of Art , Craft Australia and the National Museum of Australia

Craft Australia publishes a free online newsletter
716 craft·design

Subscriptions to 716 are free.

Sue Lawty's V&A Blog

The Vicotria and Albert museum ( V&A ) have publish Sues' first blog enrty on the their website about the Tapestry2008 conference, Concealed, Discovered, Revealed

World Beach Project : Sue Lawty

The world beach project that Sue Lawty spoke about at the Tapestry2008 conference.