Founder of The Flying Art School and the Brisbane Institute of Art presents A FOUR DAY COLOUR WORKSHOP for Artists, Designers,
Photographers and Textile Practitioners. This is a rare opportunity to learn from one of Australia’s great teachers of art.
Merv Moriarty has been a practicing artist all his life, exhibiting in major galleries in Australian capital cities. Merv has an intense
interest in colour as a profound visual language and has written on this subject extensively. His work is represented in major
public collections, including The Art Gallery of NSW and the Queensland Art Gallery. He has worked in colleges, universities and
private art schools as a teacher in art, colour and design.
No drawing or painting ability is required for this workshop. All colour exercises use a simple diagrammatic format.
Venue: Textiles workshop, ANU School of Art, Ellery Crescent, ACTON, Canberra ACT.
Dates: 2-5 August 2009 10-4pm
Fee: $500 ($450 unwaged)
Registration, payment and a detailed list of required materials is available from