The 5th International Biennial of Textile Art will be held from April 1st to 25th, 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the World Textile Art Organization (WTA).
WTA is a non-profit organization, founded in 1997, with headquarters in Miami, USA. WTA has already organized four Biennial Exhibitions in Contemporary Textile Art, both in the United States and in different countries of Latin America with the participation of international artists and juries.
We would like to point out that WTA is the only International Biennial originating in the Americas.
The venue for the WTA Biennial exhibition will be the Palais de Glace – National Exhibition Hall. An international jury of the highest level will be present, and WTA has issued an invitation to more than 20 very high-profile international artists to show their works in this Biennial Exhibition.
Since in Buenos Aires various exhibitions of both Pre-Columbian Textile Art are to be held throughout the year in several differents museums and cultural centers, WTA is arranging for all shows to be run in parallel.
These will be:
The National Museum of Fine Arts: will be showing its Pre-Columbian Collection.
The National Museum of Decorative Arts: will show Gobelin Tapestries Heritage as well as works by 8 Argentine Textile Artists.
The “José Hernández” Museum of Popular Art: will present its entire collection of Textile Art and the prized works of the last 5 exhibitions of Contemporary Textile Art and of several invited artists.
The Architecture Museum Buenos Aires University will show the results of a contest among textile design students.
The National Museum of Clothing History: Will host the Montreal exhibition “Americas sinuous / intersection of extremes”. A group show 0f 15 artists from Canada and Argentina.
The Borges Cultural Center: will be showing an international exhibit of Contemporary Textile Art.
CAAT – Textile Art Centre of Argentina: will present“The Mini-Textile Salon”.
The National Foundation of Arts: will be showing part of its textile legacy and will be in charge of the workshops.
The Recoleta Cultural Center: will be presenting International Contemporary Art.
AMIA:Will sponsor an installation by a group of textile artists, with the theme, “The Net”in its, three connotations – Solidarity – Communication – Textile.
WTA is also working towards a show that brings together Argentina’s “Pioneers” of Contemporary Textile Art.
As a means to integrate the whole country to this grand project, a group of textile artists from the City of Cordoba (Argentina) will mingle and interact with the audience wearing artistic designs of hand-crafted clothing and hats during the openings. The Cordoba artists will prepare a performance called “Blue Gold”, which underscores landscape and environment increasing awareness on the subject of “Water, a very precious possession”.
Furthermore,we have plannedto include in the General Program:
- Talks and lectures by guest artists and well-known figures of the Textile Art World.
- Seminars and workshops.
- The “Olga Amaral Award” presentation to an outstanding public figure within the Textile Art field.
- A tour circuit connecting all participating museums and exhibition halls to guide and help both foreign and local visitors reach all the different venues.
- A one day “Roundtable Meeting” between participating artists.
- Visits to the ateliers of well-known textile artists.
- An Open Day for school children with guided visits to visit the exhibitions with the presence of the participating artists.
- A interesting Social Program will be included on the agenda.
Tel. (5411) 4788-8080 Fax (5411) 4787-1316
E-mail : -
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
World Textile Art Organization
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires - 2009
The 5th International Biennial of Textile Art will be held from April 1st to 25th,
2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the World Textile Art
Organization (WTA).
WTA is a non-profit organization, founded in 1997, with headquarters in Miami,
USA, that has already organized four Biennial Exhibitions in Contemporary
Textile Art, both in the United States and in different countries in Latin America
with the participation of international artists and juries.
The 5th International Biennial of Textile Art places its attention on those artists
who choose to express themselves through fibers and weaving , resignifying
through their work the concept of Textile Art, by taking away all boundaries and
making it explode into many meanings and connotations.
Overstepping boundaries and combining different disciplines, those artists
participating in the 5th International Biennial of Textile Art start from the mere
fibers to merge into new technologies, venturing to follow new lines of
investigation, fusing their quests and challenging categorizations but keeping
the soul of textile materials as the integrating element.
1. Participation
1.1 Participation is open to all artists of legal age from all over the world.
1.2 Submitted works: up to three (3) works per artist - either brand new or
already shown. All submitted works have to be created later than year
1.3 Free subject
1.4 Works can be either two-dimensional or three-dimensional or any kind
of installations with no specific size.
2. First Stage – Regulation
2.1 The proposal must be send together with the signed application form
2.2 For each work to be submitted authors shall send:
a) CD containing:
Two professional digital photographs – 8.5 inches or 21,5 cm width and
300 dpi - one of them depicting the whole work and the other one
showing a detail of the work.
All photographs should be clear and sharp, with non- interfering
backgrounds in order not to disturb the actual image of the works. This
is of the utmost
importance, since they will be included in the Exhibition Catalogue.
b) A good color print 20 x 28 cm photograph of the work.
Both the CD and the printed photograph shall bear at the back the
following information: name of the artist, e -mail address, telephone
number, image direction, title of the work, work completion date, list of
all employed materials, list of applied techniques, and work
c) Brief CV including: date of birth, education, gallery representative
status, awards and scholarships, main exhibitions both individual and/or
collective, where the artist’s work has been shown (please mention 10
at the utmost) and also any other interesting professional experience.
2.3 All applicants submitting works to be considered in the selection
process shall bear a U$S 30 – thirty US dollars – non-refundable fee.
2.4 This non-refundable fee can be paid by check in US Dollars,
International Credit cards payable in US Currency or Postal Transfers in
US Dollars (in this case please consult the Organization).
All submitted documentation will be kept and will be become part of
the archives of the Organization.
v All the requested items shall be sent together with the corresponding
application form to the Buenos Aires Headquarters of the Word Textile
Art, addressed as follows:
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
11 de Septiembre 2761 (CP 1428)
Buenos Aires – Argentina
v Final date for proposals reception will be September 1st , 2008 –
which will be validated per post stamp date.
3. Second Stage - Work Selection
3.1 WTA will inform on October 13th, 2008 via e-mail the applicants who
have been chosen to be included in the Biennial.
3.2 The participation at 5th International Biennial of Textile Art bears a cost
of U$S 70.- Seventy US dollars
3.3 Those chosen artists will have to acknowledge receipt of the e-mail
before October 31st, 2008 to confirm their participation at the 5th
3.4 Chosen works shall be sent to WTA before January 30th, 2009. The
sending address will be informed in the next communication.
v Please bear in mind that all parcels should be sent “door to door” and
should be marked “ NO COMMERCIAL VALUE “
All the parcels sent via DHL – FEDEX – UPS and/or similar private postal services are
bound to discharge customs duties at arrival at Buenos Aires. Those expenses shall be
solely for the owner’s account. WTA will not be liable for any kind of payment or
disbursement related either to postage or customs and /or transportation duties.
Non -donated work will only be returned after the settlement of “shipping & handling”
3.5 All forwarding and/or sending postage and insurance costs and
traveling risks shall be wholly borne by the owner and/or sender and at
their own risk.
4. Jury
4.1 The Jury will be formed by highly prestigious authorities of the
international art field. As soon as the jury members are appointed, their
names will be informed through the web page.
4.2 The same jury will gather in Buenos Aires to award the corresponding
Their decisions will be final and non- appealable.
5. Prizes
Prizes will be as follows:
First Prize: U$S 3.000.-
Second Prize: U$S 1.500.-
Third Prize : U$S 500.-
Honorable Mentions to be considered by the Jury
Granted awards are not considered as “acquisitions”
6. Donation and /or Return of the works
At the end of the Biennial each of the participating artists will be able to
donate their work to the WTA and become a member of the Organization,
and as such, they will :
1 - be granted the status of Honorary Member of WTA
2 - be entitled to receive all relevant information regarding Textile Art such
as Exhibitions, seminars, articles, etc
3 - be able to load their CVs and photos of some of their works in the WTA
4 - be part of the sales & promotion scheme of WTA
v Those works which are not donated will be returned to their countries of
origin at their owner’s account and risk, after the corresponding
payment has been effected by the owner.
v WTA will have a (3) three months period to return all not donated works
to artist’s origin countries
v WTA will give each one of the participating artists a color printed
catalogue of the Biennial and a Participation Certificate
v WTA reserves the right to publish those photographs they deem
convenient to promote the Biennial and advertise within the media
7. Important dates
Deadline for application ………………………… September. 1st, 2008
Confirmation of participation …………………… October 13th, 2008
Acknowledgement of Mail reception …………… October 31st, 2008
Work reception deadline ………………………… January 30th, 2009
Opening day. ……………………………………… April 1st, 2009
For further information please contact:
Tel. (5411) 4788-8080 Fax (5411) 4787-1316
E-mail : -
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires - 2009
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Place and date of birth:
Telephone: ……………………………..Celular phone: ……………………………..
Full address: …………………………………………………………………………….
Email (must): ……………………………………………………………………………
Conceptual artwork explanation:
Title: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Year: …………………………Price in dollars:……………………………………
Dimentions: ……………………………………….
Weight: …………………………………………….
Materials: …………………………………………..
Would you like to donate your art work to the WTA Organization?
YES ……………. NO ……………….
I agree with all conditions set forth in this application form
Signature _______________ Date ___________________
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires - 2009
(Check one)
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone: ……………………………. Celular phone: …………………………
Full address: …………………………………………………………………………..
Number of the check: ……………………………………
Visa ( )
American Express ( )
Master Card ( )
Number: …………………………………………………
Expiration date: ………………………………………….
Signature______________________ Date ________________________
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires - 2009
The 5th International Biennial of Textile Art will be held from April 1st to 25th,
2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the World Textile Art
Organization (WTA).
WTA is a non-profit organization, founded in 1997, with headquarters in Miami,
USA, that has already organized four Biennial Exhibitions in Contemporary
Textile Art, both in the United States and in different countries in Latin America
with the participation of international artists and juries.
The 5th International Biennial of Textile Art places its attention on those artists
who choose to express themselves through fibers and weaving , resignifying
through their work the concept of Textile Art, by taking away all boundaries and
making it explode into many meanings and connotations.
Overstepping boundaries and combining different disciplines, those artists
participating in the 5th International Biennial of Textile Art start from the mere
fibers to merge into new technologies, venturing to follow new lines of
investigation, fusing their quests and challenging categorizations but keeping
the soul of textile materials as the integrating element.
1. Participation
1.1 Participation is open to all artists of legal age from all over the world.
1.2 Submitted works: up to three (3) works per artist - either brand new or
already shown. All submitted works have to be created later than year
1.3 Free subject
1.4 Works can be either two-dimensional or three-dimensional or any kind
of installations with no specific size.
2. First Stage – Regulation
2.1 The proposal must be send together with the signed application form
2.2 For each work to be submitted authors shall send:
a) CD containing:
Two professional digital photographs – 8.5 inches or 21,5 cm width and
300 dpi - one of them depicting the whole work and the other one
showing a detail of the work.
All photographs should be clear and sharp, with non- interfering
backgrounds in order not to disturb the actual image of the works. This
is of the utmost
importance, since they will be included in the Exhibition Catalogue.
b) A good color print 20 x 28 cm photograph of the work.
Both the CD and the printed photograph shall bear at the back the
following information: name of the artist, e -mail address, telephone
number, image direction, title of the work, work completion date, list of
all employed materials, list of applied techniques, and work
c) Brief CV including: date of birth, education, gallery representative
status, awards and scholarships, main exhibitions both individual and/or
collective, where the artist’s work has been shown (please mention 10
at the utmost) and also any other interesting professional experience.
2.3 All applicants submitting works to be considered in the selection
process shall bear a U$S 30 – thirty US dollars – non-refundable fee.
2.4 This non-refundable fee can be paid by check in US Dollars,
International Credit cards payable in US Currency or Postal Transfers in
US Dollars (in this case please consult the Organization).
All submitted documentation will be kept and will be become part of
the archives of the Organization.
v All the requested items shall be sent together with the corresponding
application form to the Buenos Aires Headquarters of the Word Textile
Art, addressed as follows:
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
11 de Septiembre 2761 (CP 1428)
Buenos Aires – Argentina
v Final date for proposals reception will be September 1st , 2008 –
which will be validated per post stamp date.
3. Second Stage - Work Selection
3.1 WTA will inform on October 13th, 2008 via e-mail the applicants who
have been chosen to be included in the Biennial.
3.2 The participation at 5th International Biennial of Textile Art bears a cost
of U$S 70.- Seventy US dollars
3.3 Those chosen artists will have to acknowledge receipt of the e-mail
before October 31st, 2008 to confirm their participation at the 5th
3.4 Chosen works shall be sent to WTA before January 30th, 2009. The
sending address will be informed in the next communication.
v Please bear in mind that all parcels should be sent “door to door” and
should be marked “ NO COMMERCIAL VALUE “
All the parcels sent via DHL – FEDEX – UPS and/or similar private postal services are
bound to discharge customs duties at arrival at Buenos Aires. Those expenses shall be
solely for the owner’s account. WTA will not be liable for any kind of payment or
disbursement related either to postage or customs and /or transportation duties.
Non -donated work will only be returned after the settlement of “shipping & handling”
3.5 All forwarding and/or sending postage and insurance costs and
traveling risks shall be wholly borne by the owner and/or sender and at
their own risk.
4. Jury
4.1 The Jury will be formed by highly prestigious authorities of the
international art field. As soon as the jury members are appointed, their
names will be informed through the web page.
4.2 The same jury will gather in Buenos Aires to award the corresponding
Their decisions will be final and non- appealable.
5. Prizes
Prizes will be as follows:
First Prize: U$S 3.000.-
Second Prize: U$S 1.500.-
Third Prize : U$S 500.-
Honorable Mentions to be considered by the Jury
Granted awards are not considered as “acquisitions”
6. Donation and /or Return of the works
At the end of the Biennial each of the participating artists will be able to
donate their work to the WTA and become a member of the Organization,
and as such, they will :
1 - be granted the status of Honorary Member of WTA
2 - be entitled to receive all relevant information regarding Textile Art such
as Exhibitions, seminars, articles, etc
3 - be able to load their CVs and photos of some of their works in the WTA
4 - be part of the sales & promotion scheme of WTA
v Those works which are not donated will be returned to their countries of
origin at their owner’s account and risk, after the corresponding
payment has been effected by the owner.
v WTA will have a (3) three months period to return all not donated works
to artist’s origin countries
v WTA will give each one of the participating artists a color printed
catalogue of the Biennial and a Participation Certificate
v WTA reserves the right to publish those photographs they deem
convenient to promote the Biennial and advertise within the media
7. Important dates
Deadline for application ………………………… September. 1st, 2008
Confirmation of participation …………………… October 13th, 2008
Acknowledgement of Mail reception …………… October 31st, 2008
Work reception deadline ………………………… January 30th, 2009
Opening day. ……………………………………… April 1st, 2009
For further information please contact:
Tel. (5411) 4788-8080 Fax (5411) 4787-1316
E-mail : -
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires - 2009
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Place and date of birth:
Telephone: ……………………………..Celular phone: ……………………………..
Full address: …………………………………………………………………………….
Email (must): ……………………………………………………………………………
Conceptual artwork explanation:
Title: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Year: …………………………Price in dollars:……………………………………
Dimentions: ……………………………………….
Weight: …………………………………………….
Materials: …………………………………………..
Would you like to donate your art work to the WTA Organization?
YES ……………. NO ……………….
I agree with all conditions set forth in this application form
Signature _______________ Date ___________________
5th International Biennial of Textile Art
Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires - 2009
(Check one)
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone: ……………………………. Celular phone: …………………………
Full address: …………………………………………………………………………..
Number of the check: ……………………………………
Visa ( )
American Express ( )
Master Card ( )
Number: …………………………………………………
Expiration date: ………………………………………….
Signature______________________ Date ________________________
Sunday, July 6, 2008
From Andrzej Banachowicz
Thursday, July 3, 2008
From Cresside's workshop

Hi Cresside, Thought I would try to complete our exercise in the spirit of
its name, rather than photos, so-- I sat at my front door and wove the view
out the gateway and across to my neighbour! Good fun and going to try
another one further afield -- when the weather improves, hope all is well
with you and yours, regards, Marie Drury
its name, rather than photos, so-- I sat at my front door and wove the view
out the gateway and across to my neighbour! Good fun and going to try
another one further afield -- when the weather improves, hope all is well
with you and yours, regards, Marie Drury
From Cresside's workshop
From Cresside's workshop

Hi Cresside,
I am leaving for three weeks holiday tomorrow and just remembered you
said to email you the completed tapestries we did in the Botanic
Gardens in Canberra. Here is mine - the last part with some artistic
licence.bI'm not an experienced tapestry weaver but I was quite
pleased with it and really enjoyed the experience of plein air
Ruth Lathlean
I am leaving for three weeks holiday tomorrow and just remembered you
said to email you the completed tapestries we did in the Botanic
Gardens in Canberra. Here is mine - the last part with some artistic
licence.bI'm not an experienced tapestry weaver but I was quite
pleased with it and really enjoyed the experience of plein air
Ruth Lathlean
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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